Monday, April 7, 2008

Technology Blogging

Thing #10

I read Stephan Abram's article "20 Things to Watch" and have decided to write a little about my experiences with e-learning. For me, this is an ideal way to use technology and continue my education at the same time. I really cannot say enough good things about it.

When I was in grad school at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, I did not have the same attitude, however. I had to take a management course online and some of my other courses had web based elements that I did not enjoy. I guess I prefer one or the other, meaning at that time I lived in Clarion and went to most of my classes in a regular classroom setting already, so having to do certain things online didn't really make my life more convenient, it actually added more stress. Now I am involved in a completely online certificate program, and I love being able to go to class in my pajamas and work for the most part at my own pace.

For the second part of this exercise, I have added a comment to dlheyson's blog. This Web Challenge player left me a very friendly comment and I wanted to return the favor. I love the photo they have with Thing #6!

1 comment:

dlheyson said...

Ooooo! I've been pointed at in public! Thank you!